Author: admin

COVID -19 UPDATE! 06/12/2021

Dear colleagues

Due to the current corona situation – which we are also affected from, we will from this day have some few restrictions.

From today, will we ask you to wear a face mask, when you are several in the cars and when you are in the office too. We also recommend that you use disposable cloves when washing the cloths (we have put boxes size M & L ready for use).

 As far as possible, it would also be a good idea to separate the work, so that you do not work on the same staircases/laundryrooms etc.  

Handshake/hugs please prevent that from happening at this moment. 

When using the coffee machine or taking sodas/water, then please clean your hands before and after.

If you want to talk with us in the office, then please make appointments, so we are not so many in the office at the same time. 

Thanks for your understanding. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask?